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Operations LYNX and CABRIT ~ 4-Star Visit

French Operation LYNX infantry secure their objective in Estonia during NATO eFP BG inter-operability training [© Bob Morrison]

Yesterday French and British troops deployed in Estonia on Operations LYNX and CABRIT were visited by a 4-Star General, reports Bob Morrison.


The weather-imposed delay to the joint US-UK airborne drop on SWIFT RESPONSE 21 gave us the chance to visit British and French troops deployed on the NATO eFP (enhanced Forward Presence) mission in Estonia, designated Operations CABRIT and LYNX respectively, as they practised inter-operability procedures ahead of Exercise KEVADTORM 21 (SPRING STORM 21).

French combat engineers defending the objective ~ note they are armed with the new French Army rifles
[© Bob Morrison]

The French Air and Space Force 4-star General (Général de Corps Aérienne) Stéphane Mille visited the training package, which included French troops using British Warriors, with Challenger 2 tanks in support, assaulting positions occupied by French combat engineers acting in the OpFor role. We intend to produce a more in-depth article, with images of the final assault taken from the objective, once the pace of events out here eases of a little.

French Général de Corps Aérienne Stéphane Mille watched the training package before exploring the Tapa training area from the commander’s position of a Challenger 2 [© Bob Morrison]
The French troops used British 1 MERCIAN Warriors to demonstrate inter-operability [© Bob Morrison]

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