Home > Kit & Camo > BDCS ~ Belgian Defence Adopts Crye MultiCam Uniform

BDCS ~ Belgian Defence Adopts Crye MultiCam Uniform

[© Belgian MoD: Adrien Muylaert]

The SSC consortium of Sioen, Seyntex and Crye Precision has been chosen to launch the Belgian Defence Clothing System (BDCS) in MultiCam.


Press Release, Brussels, 01 April 2022: [auto-translated] The SSC consortium (Sioen, Seyntex, Crye Precision) was chosen to launch the ‘Belgian Defence Clothing System’ (BDCS) for Defence. For the next fifteen years, SSC will equip our soldiers with new operational clothing and accessories for a total budget of 410 million Euros.

Tomorrow’s operational clothing is multi-layered equipment. All the parts of the different layers will be complementary and integrated. Thus, optimal and appropriate protection can be guaranteed for our military men and women. This will also be the introduction of the new MultiCam camouflage pattern.

“I want to emphasise the seriousness of the design and development that ran over a period of two and a half years. In the end, today we are presenting high-performance, high-tech outfits, tested and approved by our experts and which are the result of collaborative work between industry and Defence. Such an approach which implies a real concern to meet the needs of the soldier,” declared Ludivine Dedonder, the Minister of Defence.

[© Belgian MoD: Adrien Muylaert]

In the past, Seyntex and Sioen had already cooperated in the case of ‘Verbeterd Operationeel Soldaat Systeem‘ (VOSS) for the Netherlands Defence Forces. This time they extend their cooperation with Crye Precision, which is already the preferred supplier of several Special Forces within NATO, including the Belgian Special Forces.

Equipment Specific Features: The 2022 base offer includes:~

  • G4 Combat shirt
  • G4 Combat pant
  • G4 Field shirt
  • G4 Field pant
  • High loft jacket
  • High loft pants

During the term of the contract, the basic offer will be supplemented with additional clothing and equipment in order to obtain a complete integrated clothing system, including wool-based underwear, rainwear, CBRN equipment (chemical, bacteriological, radioactive, nuclear), ballistic protection (protective vests / helmet), backpacks, etc.

The range also includes clothing designed specifically for women and men. In addition, Defence has opted for a durable solution. Chemical finishes and membranes are avoided where possible. An agreement has also been reached to collect currently used clothing, process it in an environmentally friendly way and give it a second life.

Continuous improvement: The innovative pillar of this formula provides continuous improvement for our military. The SSC has a large catalogue. “If the contractor introduces new items into its catalogue, Defence can follow suit,” explains Major Olivier Bormans, project manager at DGMR Support Systems.

A uniform gives charisma to our soldiers and the new clothing system of the BDCS will contribute to this. This new look & feel, both in terms of patterns and quality, contributes to the well-being and motivation of our staff who must do their job comfortably and protected in all (weather) conditions.


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