Home > Exercise News > IRON WOLF II 20 ~ NATO eFP BG LIT


Leopard 2 MBT from the German-led NATO eFP BG LIT on IRON WOLF II 20 in Lithuania [©Lithuanian MoD]
The NATO multinational enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Lithuania (eFP BG LIT) has committed their forces to Exercise IRON WOLF II 20.


Soldiers from NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Lithuania committed their forces to Exercise IRON WOLF II 20.

Hosted by Lithuania, the long-planned exercise certifies the preparedness of the NATO Battlegroup and the Lithuanian Army King Mindaugas Hussar Battalion to operate with the Lithuanian Army’s Iron Wolf Mechanised Infantry Brigade command and other NATO Allies and partners. It has been running from 9 to 22 November 2020. During the exercise, masks have been worn by soldiers in close proximity and social distancing has been observed between soldiers of different units.

This NATO Multimedia footage, captured on 18th November and released on the 20th, includes shots of German, Lithuanian and Norwegian armoured vehicles and French, Lithuanian and Norwegian Mechanised Infantry engaging in attack and defensive manoeuvres in a forested training area around Pabradė, Lithuania.

[© NATO Multimedia]

Shot list:-

  • (00:00) a German Army [sic]* Boxer Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle drives through deep sand
  • (00:10) a Norwegian Army Leopard 2 tank driving through the forest
  • (00:27) a Norwegian Army Leopard 2 Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV) drives through the forest
  • (00:33) a Lithuanian Armoured Personnel Carrier firing from turret while moving through woodland
  • (00:38) a French soldier scans the forest with binoculars
  • (00:44) a Lithuanian soldier firing blank rounds from his assault rifle during an engagement in the forest
  • (00:53) a Lithuanian soldier fires blank rounds from a General Purpose Machine Gun during an engagement in the forest
  • (00:59) Norwegian soldiers advance firing their weapons during an engagement in the forest
  • (01:03) Lithuanian soldier fires blank rounds from a tripod mounted .50cal machine gun in an urban training area

*Believed actually to be a Dutch Boxer.

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