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Exercise FURIOUS WOLF ~ JTAC Training In Lithuania

British and German troops have been training alongside other NATO JTAC partners across the Baltic States to hone their skills in accordance with NATO standardised practices [Crown Copyright: Cpl Nicholas Egan]
British and German Army Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) have recently trained together on Ex FURIOUS WOLF in Lithuania.


British Army and German Bundeswehr Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) have trained together at Kazlu Ruda training ranges in Lithuania on Exercise FURIOUS WOLF, alongside Typhoon aircraft from No. 6 Squadron Royal Air Force.

A Royal Air Force Typhoon of No. 6 Squadron operates over Kazla Ruda training ranges during Ex FURIOUS WOLF [Crown Copyright: Cpl Nicholas Egan]

The British and German troops have been training alongside other NATO JTAC partners across the Baltic States to hone their skills in accordance with NATO standardised practices. All NATO JTACs use the same procedure when working with Alliance aircraft.

[Source UK MoD]

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