This weekend we will be undertaking some necessary routine maintenance on the website ~ hopefully covertly and unobtrusively.
10:00 ~ The current exceptionally high volume of visitor traffic (2.95 million page views in September) is requiring a few behind the scenes server tweaks to ensure everything continues to run smoothly for our viewers. Some of this work has already been quietly achieved and we are trying to ensure the remainder takes place seamlessly and unseen, but please forgive us if you experience any brief outage. Apologies for any unintentional inconvenience.
Updated 11:30 ~ ‘Mr Gray’, our behind-the-scenes IT genius, has successfully undertaken the next phase of maintenance but less fresh content than usual will probably be uploaded over the next day or two to allow the system to settle down.
Updated 23:59 ~ All Phase Two Maintenance now successfully completed, without needing to take the website off-line, but on account of the rapid increase in website content and traffic it is likely we will need to migrate to a larger server in the not too distant future. Advance notice will be given of any potential brief downtime.
Updated 05 October: We have spotted an issue with some legacy posts where down-sized images in the main text body are failing to reload. Repairing this problem is a time-consuming manual task which we hope to eventually accomplish (a 25th hour in the day and 8th day in the week would come in really handy) so please bear with us.
The Joint-Forces Team
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