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D-Day 75 ~ Rangers Scale Pointe du Hoc

US Rangers scaling the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc, where in WWII a Nazi heavy gun battery threatened the naval invasion [US Army: Markus Rauchenberger]
US Soldiers with 75th Ranger Regiment have scaled the cliffs like Rangers did during Operation OVERLORD 75 years ago at Pointe du Hoc in Normandy.


Omaha Beach, 05 June 2019: More than 1,300 US Service Members, partnered with 950 troops from across Europe and Canada, have converged in northwestern France to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Operation OVERLORD, the WWII Allied invasion of Normandy, commonly known as D-Day. Upwards of 80 ceremonies in 40 French communities in the region will take place between June 1-9, 2019, the apex being held today, June 6th, at the American Cemetery at Colleville sur Mer.

US Ranger in 1944 uniform lends a hand to a colleague in present day Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform at the top of the Pointe du Hoc cliffs [US Army: Markus Rauchenberger]
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