Home > UK Operations > Op NEWCOMBE ~ Light Dragoons In Mali

Op NEWCOMBE ~ Light Dragoons In Mali

Pictured are Light Dragoon Guards [sic] deployed on UN operation in Mali forming a small convoy of Jackal armoured vehicles [Crown Copyright: Flt Lt Andy Donovan]

The UK MoD has released a small number of images of the Light Dragoons on Op NEWCOMBE to publicise a Ministerial visit to Mali this week.


Pictured are Light Dragoon Guards [sic] deployed on UN operation in Mali forming a small convoy of Jackal armoured vehicles [Crown Copyright: Flt Lt Andy Donovan]

The official captions for the images, taken on Monday 8th March, state:-

  • Pictured are Light Dragoon Guards deployed on UN operation in Mali forming a small convoy of Jackal armoured vehicles. This was a demonstration set up for the visit of Min AF and the UK Ambassador to Mali.
  • Jackal 2 is a high mobility weapons platform, with a unique air-bag suspension system allowing rapid movement across varying terrain.
  • MINUSMA is the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation mission in Mali. Established in 2013, the mission was asked to support the transitional authorities of Mali in the stabilisation of the country.
  • Op NEWCOMBE is the UK commitment to that mission.
Minister of State for the Armed Forces, the Rt Hon James Heappey MP (MinAF) speaking with MINUSMA troops deployed in Mali in support of the UN Mission in the region [Crown Copyright: Flt Lt Andy Donovan]
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