In this sixth part of the US Army Meal Ready to Eat, or MRE, series we follow on from the FP-LRP with an XXVIII batch meal issued from around 2008/09*, writes Bob Morrison.
The Christmas and New Year break, when most of the UK armed forces were on annual leave and breaking defence industry news stories were thin on the ground, gave me a chance to both delve back into my rations photo archives and brush up on the evolution of the MRE story to date. I still have a comparatively recent batch MRE, picked up last summer, to open and sample but in the meantime I am sticking with the timeline and focussing on a 2008 batch meal of the type ordered in 2007, delivered in 2008 and consumed over the next couple of years.
* Update: Since penning this article I now have reason to believe this ration pack may have been assembled as late as mid-2011.
The mainstream alternative to the Food Packet – Long Range Patrol (FP-LRP) and the field ration which most US personnel were issued in Afghanistan at the end of the last decade was the standard production Meal, Ready-to-Eat, Individual but this was usually just referred to as the MRE. Like the FP-LRP, this meal was is issued in an outer pouch in that pinkish sandy shade which the American supply chain mostly described as being beige or light beige, though occasional references to it being tan or light tan can be found. Afghan National Army troops on joint operations with US forces in this period (see lead photo) were also often issued with MREs at this time, as were embedded journalists like our Senior Correspondent Carl Schulze who made many trips to the strife-torn country to cover ISAF Coalition troops in the field.~
I believe the the meal illustrated here was most likely from theAlthough US units we work with in the field are generous, it would be taking liberties to expect our hosts to offer more than the occasional spare ration pack for us to disseminate for a feature article, and of course Carl be expected to lug back two 10kg cases containing a dozen different menus back from an operational embed, so as yet we have been unable to taste test the entire range from any particular annual batch.
For those interested, according to official sources the main course options for MRE XXXIII batch were, from #1 to #24:- Chili with Beans; Boneless Pork Rib; Beef Ravioli in Meat Sauce; Cheese & Vegetable Omlet; Chicken Breast Filet; Chicken with Noodles; Meatloaf with Gravy; Beef Patty Grilled; Beef Stew; Chili & Macaroni; Vegetable Lasagna; Veggie Burger in BBQ Sauce; Cheese Tortellini; Penne with Vegetarian Sausage; Beef Enchiladas; Chicken Fajita; Sloppy Joe Filling; Meatballs with Marinara; Pot Roast with Vegetables; Spaghetti with Meat Sauce; Tuna in Pouch; Chicken with Dumplings; Chicken Pesto & Pasta; and Chicken Breast Strips with Salsa. Spellings here are as used by the US Defense Logistics Agency.
To be continued…
{ images © Bob Morrison unless noted }
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