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Ongoing Minor Site Maintenance Work

© Bob Morrison
Some viewers may have noticed a few unusual page display issues while the website is undergoing necessary minor site maintenance work this weekend.


Yesterday (Saturday) morning the quiet man who lurks in the background keeping our little area of t’internet running at optimum performance – we call him Mister Grey – had to undertake necessary site maintenance.

On Friday we went through the 6,000,000 total page views mark, with 1.1 million of these views being recorded in February and March alone, and it had got to the point where a couple of sticking plasters simply had to be removed and replaced by more permanent fixes to maintain maximum functionality. As was probably to be expected, a small number of minor page display issues arose (mostly for those viewing on some types of mobile device) as a result of this upgrade and by working overnight Saturday / Sunday our man Mr Grey sorted out many of these. Hopefully the remainder will be fixed tonight, but almost all aspects of the site should still be running pretty much as normal until the last little bugs are zapped. Sorry for any inconvenience experienced, but rather than taking JOINT-FORCES.com offline for a few hours we are doing our best to maintain full service in these peculiar times by fixing issues during our quieter periods.


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