The Leatherman FREE K4X is a multipurpose pocket knife with all the reliability and functionality one expects from Tim Leatherman’s stable, writes Mike Gormley.
To most of us a Leatherman is synonymous with a multi-tool which has a pair of pliers as part of its armoury. In this case the FREE K4X is a multipurpose knife and not a true multi-tool. This said it has all the attributes one would expect of the Leatherman brand.
The FREE K4X has the quality of build and design plus, like all Leatherman blades, an extremely keen and long-lasting edge. The body of the K4X is anodised aluminium to reduce weight but the tools are of steel. Clearly this is a knife and so it has a folding, lockable part-serrated blade. Along with this and tucked into the opposite side of the handle are a very handy set of tools: two screwdrivers, an awl, and a pair of the very good scissors that Leatherman do so well. All these lock into place and are basically single-handed opening.
There is a, removable, belt clip fitted in case you have not got around to acquiring a sheath or live in a jurisdiction where belt / pocket carry is acceptable. I think it is a pity the FREE K4X knife does not come with a sheath as standard. To me a belt sheath is close to critical as an aid to keep it ready for use and, perhaps more importantly, to prevent loss . If it’s in its sheath on your belt you know where it is ~ or should be ~ so would soon be aware if it is missing. In my view a pocket is not a good place for a knife; I used to lose them for a pastime until I started wearing them on my belt. So, my advice is buy the optional sheath when you get one of these.
The FREE K4X has the now ‘standard’ Leatherman soft feel rounded edges to make it easy on the hand while in use and for general handling.

[images © Mike Gormley]