Home > Gormley's Gear > Stanley Classic Legendary Food Jar plus Spork

Stanley Classic Legendary Food Jar plus Spork

Hot soup in a Stanley Classic Legendary Food Jar when out on a chilly day ~ simply the best! [©MG]

The Stanley Classic Legendary Food Jar stainless steel double wall container helps to keep your food warm on the move, writes Mike Gormley.


When is cold its good to have some warm food ready to hand and easy to eat to warm you up. Certainly, while I have been trying out this insulated wide mouth flask from Stanley the food has stayed plenty warm enough for a good time; the spec says it should stay so for seven hours.

The Stanley Food Jar is a perfect way to take a hot breakfast or snack with you when on the move [©MG]

A normal flask is fine but if you want to take warm food, or perhaps a good fulfilling chunky soup, a narrow mouth drinks flask it not ideal for the job but this wide mouth flask is perfect. At 0.4 litres it takes a normal can of soup or, in my case, a full breakfast pack and it fits into a normal rucksack side pouch or other similar mode of transport; perhaps even a pocket. Of course it will keep things cool as well as hot to perhaps an ideal way of keeping a couple of handfuls of ices cubes for the BBQ drinks?

The Spork, shame it is not a spoon, comes as standard and fits to the side of the Jar [©MG]

The only negative I have with this flask is the included spork, which is located and held on the side in its own ‘keeper’ All well and good to have a readily available eating tool , but why a spork and not a spoon? Try eating soup with one and not spilling any, not to mention also getting every last valuable drop out if the flask.

The Stanley Food Jar fits neatly into the side pocket of the likes of my Snugpak Sleeka Force 35 daysack [©MG]

However the Classic Legendary Food Jar + Spork is a very handy item of kit and a spoon is an easy one to sort out. Six colour options, including Hammertone Green, are available.

A TORQ Explore breakfast fits perfectly into the 0.4-litre Food Jar ~ just include cold or warm water to reconstitute a perfect breakfast on the move [©MG]

[images © Mike Gormley]


Comment: Reader JimS contacted us after reading this page to say: “I tend to put a hot food pouch in mine, along with boiling water and fling it in my daysack, where I usually forget about it until both are cold 🙄🤦‍”

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