For relaxing foot comfort, either at home or when away, in my opinion there’s not much better than these Telic Slide sandals, writes Mike Gormley.
I’m not sure what it is about the Italians, but they seem to have footwear design in their DNA. In this case it was transported to the USA back in the 1920’s, eventually leading to the evolution of the Telic brand.
I have been a user and fan of Telic footwear for a good number of years now and just know these slightly unusual shoes work… and they last too. That said, I do have some near worn-out ones which are now relegated to beside the back door for garden use having seen a lot of service.

In this review I am looking look at the Telic Slide model. Like all others in the range, these are made from a material called Novalon. It is soft but very resilient and, importantly, it offers very good grip on most surfaces. For me it is this material which sets them way ahead of some perhaps more familiar similar items.

Having large (UK size 13) feet I had a fit issue with my older Telic Dreams as this model only goes up to UK12. The Slide design has open toes, so is fine. This concept is highly adaptable and I use them at home as ‘slippers’, though I suspect many will use them as beach, deck or camp footwear. They are remarkably warm even though they are open, on account of the properties of the Novalon. I know some will scream at me, but they can be worn with socks for added warmth and this is especially the case if you use them, as I do, when away and need something ‘comfy’ to put on to replace those boots after a long day’s trek.

These are just SO light, at a mere 340g, and so packable that they can always be found a space in the pack to give the hard-worked feet a comfort break around camp. Comfort is the key word with Telic footwear, whichever version you choose. So go on. Give your feet, and you, a present and they will reward you with feeling good as well as being fit for duty when required.

[images © Mike or Jean Gormley]