Iowa Army National Guard soldiers deployed with KFOR in Kosovo have constructed a launching mechanism for an RQ-20 PUMA UAS.
A set of images released yesterday [22 January] by KFOR Regional Command East show Iowa Army National Guard soldiers with Troop B, 1st Squadron, 113th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, constructing a launching mechanism for an RQ-20 PUMA Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) during a class at Camp Nothing Hill, Kosovo, on Wednesday. The PUMA can be launched mechanically or by hand.
Troop B is serving in Regional Command-East KFOR (Kosovo FORce) 28 to help maintain the safety and security of all people in Kosovo. One of the unit’s primary missions is conducting patrols along the country’s administrative boundary line. Training on the PUMA aircraft will allow them to survey vehicle patrol routes beforehand, ensuring safe road and environmental conditions.

[US ANG: SSgt Tawny Schmit]
That same day, soldiers assigned to KFOR Regional Command-East conducted a Helicopter Landing Site clearing mission along the administrative boundary line in Kosovo. Regular HLS missions are essential to KFOR to maintain a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo.

[US ANG: Sgt Zachary M Zippe]
[images US Army National Guard: SSgt Tawny Schmit or Sgt Zachary M Zippe]