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NOBLE PARTNER 20 ~ Gurkha Logistic Regiment

Soldiers from 28 Squadron RLC, 10 Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment stack along a wall in preparation for breaching a simulated enemy compound during NOBLE PARTNER 20 on Vaziani Training Area, 13 September 2020 [US Army: Spc Isaiah Matthews]
A contingent from 28 Squadron RLC, 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment is currently in Georgia participating on NOBLE PARTNER 2020.


NOBLE PARTNER 20 is a cooperatively-led Georgian Defense Force and US Army Europe exercise hosted at Vaziani and Camp Norio training areas in Georgia, at the eastern end of the Black Sea.

A soldier from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR uses cover and concealment behind a hill before conducting cordon and search operations during an urban operations training scenario during NOBLE PARTNER 20, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Sgt Jordan Trent]

Approximately 2,800 military personnel from France, Georgia, Poland, the UK and the US are participating in the exercise which is running from 7th to 18th September. The exercise, which allows participants to conduct situational training exercises, live-fire exercises, and combined mechanised manoeuvrers, is designed to “enhance regional partnerships and increase US force readiness and interoperability in a realistic, multinational training environment”.

US Army soldiers from 527th MP Company, 709th Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade maintain security awaiting a detainee transfer from Allied and Partnered forces, NOBLE PARTNER 20, 13 Sept 2020
[US Army: Sgt Jordan Trent]
Soldiers from from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR maintain security for their teams as they work together during an urban operations training scenario, NOBLE PARTNER 20, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Sgt Jordan Trent]
Soldiers from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR conduct a cordon search alongside partner and allied nations during NOBLE PARTNER 20 on Vaziani Training Area, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Spc Isaiah Matthews]
Soldiers from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR establish security points within a simulated enemy compound during NOBLE PARTNER 20 on Vaziani Training Area, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Spc Isaiah Matthews]
Soldiers from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR apprehend a simulated detainee while conducting a cordon and search during NOBLE PARTNER 20, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Spc Isaiah Matthews]
Soldiers from 28 Sqn RLC, 10 QOGLR clear a room in a simulated enemy compound during NOBLE PARTNER 20 on Vaziani Training Area, 13 Sept 2020 [US Army: Spc Isaiah Matthews]

Footnote: We received an advance invitation from USAREUR to cover this interesting exercise but regrettably at present COVID-19 travel restrictions prevent foreign-based media visiting Georgia for brief assignments.

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