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DYNAMIC MONGOOSE ~ Naval Exercise In High North

USS Toledo leading the formation during DYNAMIC MONGOOSE [NATO: FRAN CPO Christian Valverde]
DYNAMIC MONGOOSE, a NATO naval exercise involving ships, submarines and aircraft from six allied nations, commenced yesterday in the High North.


News Release, Reykjavik, 29 June 2020: NATO exercise DYNAMIC MONGOOSE is starting in the High North on 29 June 2020. Ships, submarines, as well as aircraft and personnel from SIX Allied nations are converging off the coast of Iceland for Anti-Submarine warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface warfare training.

Submarines from France, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States under NATO Submarine Command are joining surface ships from Canada, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States. As the host nation, Iceland is providing logistical support in Reykjavik. To enhance the simulated multi-threat environment, maritime patrol aircraft from France, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States support the exercise. In total, five surface ships, five submarines, five maritime patrol aircraft are participating.

The aim of DYNAMIC MONGOOSE is to provide all participants with complex and challenging warfare training to enhance their interoperability and proficiency in Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface warfare skills, with due regard to safety.

“Exercises today seize opportunities for NATO and Allied nations to sharpen war-fighting skills by focusing on high-end capabilities including Anti-Submarine Warfare. DYNAMIC MONGOOSE will ensure we remain prepared for operations in peace, crisis and conflict. In this regard, I appreciate the outstanding host nation support of the Iceland and those nations that have contributed forces. DYNAMIC MONGOOSE will, I am certain, be a highly effective exercise,” said Vice Admiral Keith Blount, Commander of NATO’s Allied Maritime Command.

“NATO’s annual Anti-Submarine-warfare exercise DYNAMIC MONGOOSE remains one of the most challenging exercises and an excellent opportunity for NATO nations’ naval forces to practice and evaluate their anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare skillsets in the challenging environment of the North Atlantic. This exercise is a unique opportunity to enhance naval forces’ war-fighting skills in all dimensions of anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare in a multinational and multi-threat environment,” said Rear Admiral E. Andrew Burcher, Commander NATO Submarines.

Each surface ship will have the opportunity to conduct a variety of submarine warfare operations. The submarines will take turns hunting and being hunted, closely coordinating their efforts with the air and surface participants.

Due to COVID-19 threat, measures taken by both Icelandic authorities and the force contributing nations will be strictly followed by all sides during the port visits and training.

HMS Kent, seen earlier this month during BALTOPS 20, is now participating on DYNAMIC MONGOOSE
[Crown Copyright: LPhot Dan Rosenbaum]
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