Earlier today [29th] elements of the Yellow Forces Amphibious Task Group massing of Norway slipped ashore unopposed in a remote fjord, writes Bob Morrison.
From our position on a hillside overlooking one of three landing beaches near Alvund we watched waves of hovercraft (Landing Craft Air Cushion) bring ashore recce elements of one of two Marine Infantry battalions. With three armoured and infantry brigades assembling less than 100 kilometres north of the defending Blue Forces, including 4 [UK] Multi-National Brigade, the situation is both confusing and perilous.
Both Carl and myself are at the sharp end to attempt to cover the unfolding action during TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 (TRJE18) but for the next few days we expect the situation to be hectic. We will update you as and when we can.
{ images © Bob Morrison }