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SOFEX 2022 Opens In Aqaba Today

The Royal Jordanian Air Force C-130 Hercules in '50 Years In Service' livery is an outdoor participant at SOFEX 2022 [©BM]

The Special Operations Forces Expo (SOFEX 2022) opens in Jordan today, at a new venue in Aqaba rather than the more familiar Marka Airport, writes Bob Morrison.


Yesterday, Monday 31st, I visited the exhibition halls on the outskirts of Aqaba to pick up my access pass and collect my formal invitation to today’s official Opening Ceremony being held at an off-site location. The stand builders were still hard at work, conjuring up their last-minute magic, but as I meandered around the Halls & Marquees I spotted plenty of interesting new stuff that was not around when the last SOFEX was held in the late spring of 2018. There is even a new Jordanian combat rations producer on the block.

The intriguing Al-Hajras rear-engined, two-man compact Armoured Tactical Vehicle for Special Operatons Forces from JODDB [©BM]

It looks like it is going to be an excellent show down here at the head of the Red Sea at a point where four countries fall within a 25-mile (40km) radius.

Not a newbie but usually only seen in Egypt, this TEMSAH 3 displayed by AM General uses a Humvee chassis [©BM]

I suspect the next three days will be pretty hectic as we all adapt to the new locations and programme but if all goes to plan there should be some interesting reading and viewing in the pipeline; insha’Allah, as they say out here.

Maj. Gen. Mohamed Abo-Elfotouh Hammam, Egyptian Special Forces Commander, speaking at MESOC (Middle East Special Operations Commanders) Conference on Monday which ran ahead of SOFEX 2022 [©BM]

PS: If any readers are attending SOFEX 2022 you might spot that there is a display stand with our name on it, but as Carl cannot make it out to Jordan this time due to other commitments and as I will no doubt be imitating a headless chicken with cameras around my neck and Rite-in-the-Rain notebook in hand (they work in dust too!) we’re afraid the stand is likely to remain merely a shell.

[images © Bob Morrison]


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