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SK Group Presents At Defense and Security 2022 Bangkok

IWI ACE SNIPER [© IWI: Benny Levin]

Defense & Security 2022 ~ SK Group presents its latest offering in small arms solutions, optical sights and ‘through-the-wall’ imaging systems.


Press Release, Ramat-Hasharon, 23 August 2022: SK Group – a privately-held technology and innovation holding company, specialising in global frontline defence, paramilitary solutions, marine infrastructures, and property development, founded by Mr. Samy Katsav – is presenting its latest offerings in small arms solutions, optical sights, and ‘through-wall-imaging’ systems, at the Defense & Security exhibition this week.

The SK group takes a holistic approach to one of the main challenges of modern warfare – affording full protection to forces on the ground as they perform missions at a distance from the hostile force, as well as QCB.

IWI GAL VPS – Versatile Protective Suit [© IWI: Benny Levin]

“SK Group companies are committed to the protection of ground forces in combat on today’s battlefield,” says Ronen Hamudot, SK Group Executive VP Marketing and Sales. “Our range of solutions includes: IWI’s 7.62x51mm Ace Sniper S.A Rifle, which enables fast and accurate engagement of multiple threats at long ranges; thermal sights developed by Meprolight for day and night combat, including the recently-launched hybrid TIGON which combines thermal & red dot technology for both day and night applications; and Camero’s unique Xaver through-the-wall imaging systems, which enable detection through structures and walls from a distance of over of 50 metres. The group’s solutions are operationally proven and are in use by diverse IDF units.”


The following solutions will be showcased at the exhibition:

  • IWI: the Negev series of light machine guns; the ARAD multi-calibre Assault Rifle used by militaries and law enforcement agencies worldwide; and the recently-launched ACE sniper rifle. Also on display, the company’s new version of the GAL VPS system, a riot control protective suit, which reduces trauma inflicted on operators by up to 90%.
  • Meprolight: the recently introduced Mepro TIGON hybrid sight integrating the advantages of standard “red-dot” optics featuring transparent see-through window for optimal day use with those of uncooled thermal imaging technology enabling efficient operation in low-visibility and complete darkness conditions.
  • Camero-Tech: the Xaver XL40 and XL80 – the company’s latest offering of through-the-wall imaging systems – portable units that enable operators to detect life and static structures from distances of 50 and 100 meters.

*Xaver is a registered trademark of Camero-Tech


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