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Belarus Conscripts 150 Reserve Officers

[© Republic of Belarus MoD]

The President of the Republic of Belarus today decreed the immediate conscription of 150 reserve officers for military service.


Press Release, Minsk, 25 February 2022: [auto-translated] Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of February 24, 2022 No. 68 ‘On the call of reserve officers for military service’.

1. In 2022, to call up for military service in the Armed Forces male citizens of the Republic of Belarus under the age of 27 from among reserve officers who have not completed military service, served in the reserve of the Armed Forces and are not entitled to deferment from conscription (hereinafter referred to as officers stock), up to 150 people.

2. To the Ministry of Defence:

  • ensure the appointment of reserve officers to military positions;
  • provide reserve officers with access to state secrets in the manner prescribed by legislative acts for those liable for military service called up for military (special) training, military service for mobilisation.

3. Before January 31, 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus shall submit to the President of the Republic of Belarus information on the results of conscription of reserve officers for military service.

4. This Decree comes into force after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus, A.G. Lukashenko.


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