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Spanish VCR 8×8 Dragón Live-Fire Trials

Video grab of SPIKE being fired from Dragón prototype D1 [©Spanish Army]
In late July the Spanish Army VCR 8×8 Dragón, the latest derivative of the GDELS Piranha V, successfully concluded its first live-fire trials.


Two of the five Spanish Army prototypes of the VCR Dragón version of the GDELS (General Dynamics Europe Land Systems) Santa Bárbara Sistemas Piranha V 8×8 participated in the July firing tests on the Álvarez de Sotomayor ranges on the northern edge of Almeria. Each participating prototype was fitted with a different turret configuration; D1 sported the Navantia Tizona version of the Elbit Systems UT30MK2 unmanned turret and D2 the RAFAEL / PAP Tecnos Samson 30. In this Spanish Army video both the 30mm ATK cannon and 7.62mm machine guns can be seen firing and SPIKE anti-armour missiles are launched by Spanish Legion crews from King Alfonso XIII Brigade.

Video © Spanish Army
VCR Dragón protypes D1 and D2 (nearest) during firing trials [©Spanish Army]
TIZONA turret with SPIKE launcher raised ~ now fitted to Dragón prototype D1 [©Bob Morrison]
Each Dragón prototype is fitted with a different turret [©Spanish Army]

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