The 12th Annual Warrior Competition has regrettably been Postponed as a precaution to minimise the spreading of the Corona virus or COVID-19.
It had been our intention to cover 12th AWC, held each year at KASOTC (King Abdullah II Special Operation Center) in Jordan, as this event allows us to see teams from some of the world’s top Special Forces and Special Operations Forces in competitive action.

Unfortunately the organisers of the 2020 AWC have contacted our editor to say: “We are deeply regret to inform you that the 12th Annual Warrior Competition which was scheduled between March 29th, 2020 and April 2nd, 2020 has been postponed as a precaution to minimise the spreading of Corona virus [COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2] in the world, according to the World Health Organisation and Jordanian Ministry of Health instructions. We understand that this change may cause great inconvenience for you and we are sincerely sorry. We look forward to have you here at KASOTC to participate in the 12th AWC later this year and we will keep you posted once we set the new dates”.
Just prior to the, understandable in the circumstances, decision to cancel the elite competition at least 25 foreign teams in addition to three from the Host Nation had committed to this year’s event. Those nations whose teams we had hoped to see in action included: Bahrain, Brunei , Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and Ukraine.
If at all possible – insha’Allah – we will attempt to bring coverage of the rescheduled 12th AWC.
[images © Bob Morrison]