Designed to give users instant power wherever they are the Infinite Orbit hand crank generates electrickery direct to a device or battery, writes Mike Gormley.
When truly off grid there are many who really need to be able to generate power. Perhaps not very much, but sufficient to power up a mobile phone device, GPS or head torch. In a few minutes, the Infinite Orbit will produce enough power to enable a call to be made – perhaps in an emergency – or replenish the power of other small devices.
The great thing about this is it can do it at any time. No need for sun, wind or water power, just a bit of personal energy. I am sure you are like me and good at multitasking, so you can crank the Orbit as well as doing something else….. can’t you ? So, whatever the time of day, location, time of year, or circumstances, with this neat little bit of kit you can gain enough power to be able to communicate, navigate or see, or all of these if needs be. This generator packs away into its own small carry case that can even be carried on your belt. Quick and easy to assemble it is very quickly in action.
These have been very successfully used during humanitarian operations such as the aftermath of the Nepalese earthquake disaster when there was no power at all and when teams had to operate in areas were there was probably no power available in the first place. The Infinite Orbit allowed teams to generate enough power to give them comms and light while they went about their very difficult tasks.

So, if you are venturing into say the Highlands of Scotland for a few days, or some other remote part of the world, or are part of a team likely to operate in remote places on rescue missions, exploration, scientific research expeditions, etc., this small device could provide rather more than useful. Indeed it may even be a life saver.

Just a few details. Output is 5 volts 1 amp. For example enough to power a smartphone for about 20 minutes talk time for 10 minutes of cranking. It can of course re-power any small rechargeable device and a selection of connectors are provided. The unit is IP65 rated so well protected against ‘normal’ outdoor and rugged conditions of dust and water (rain, spray). Also, of course, if you have some spare time and a power storage unit you can re-power a battery for use when required.
[images © Mike or Jean Gormley]