Home > Gormley's Gear > Snugpak Jungle Blanket ~ Insulated Travel Accessory

Snugpak Jungle Blanket ~ Insulated Travel Accessory

The Jungle Blanket packed away in its stuff sack but not yet pulled down to reduce pack size even further [©MG]

The Snugpak Jungle Blanket is a warm, lightweight, less bulky quilt which is ideal for extra warmth while camping or for emergencies, writes Mike Gormley.


Difficult to know where to begin on this, as in essence it is such a basic and simple item of kit. Just imagine a Snugpak lightweight sleeping bag made into a flat square blanket shape.

Uses? Innumerable. As I write, when the weather here, in the UK at least, is let’s say ‘changeable’ the Jungle Blanket comes into its own. No, we don’t have many jungles in Devon where I live but these days of social distancing and having to meet and socialise outside, having something to wrap around yourself, put over knees and so on as the temperature drops, is perfect.

Jo making use of my Snugpak Hoody and (in this case inappropriately named) Jungle Blanket as we enjoyed a socially distanced family BBQ in the snow at home in April – both proved to be effective and most welcome [©MG]

The Snugpak Jungle Blanket packs away neatly into its supplied compression sack so easy to take with you in your rucksack or just on its own. Put it on the pub bench or lay out on the ground to both sit on and wrap around you and it makes those chill outdoor meetings much more pleasant as the temperature cools down. Moving away from the leisure benefits, this item is perfect to take away on camp expeditions or camping holiday as a bit of extra insulation to lie on over the kip mat and / or over you in your sleeping bag, or both if you get the XL size. You can also take it out when you go away from camp or to socialise, out on the beach or garden or perhaps to sporting events.

When spread out the Jungle Blanket XL is a very useful size – it also packs down well into the stuff sack [©MG]

The Jungle Blanket is perfect for those snatched opportunities for a ‘power nap’. Easy to get out and wrap around to make things more comfortable for those high value moments of rest and equally quick and easy to put away after so you can crack on with the job in hand. Uses are limited to your imagination. (I imagine one would have come in very handy as I took a nap in my steel tent on wheels next to a very Baltic drop zone in Estonia yesterday during SWIFT RESPONSE, Ed.)

Showing here the two different materials used ~ Micro Diamond outside and Paratex Antibacterial inside [©MG]

The polyester materials used in its construction are both robust and light with Micro Diamond on the outside and Paratex Antibacterial on the inside. Between these is a sandwich of Snugpak’s Travelsoft insulation. The blanket is easy to wash and dry, which is of course necessary for the type of usage it will get. It is also both wind and water resistant. I could see this being perfect for restaurants and pubs, for example, to loan to customers dining outdoors and then easy to wash for the next user. Better than the slightly dubious blankets I have seen offered!

I borrowed a good pal, Steve, who is no small chap, to demonstrate the ‘wrapability’ of the Jungle Blanket [©MG]

I shall also carry one of these as a permanent item in my vehicle, especially in my winter kit. What better item to have in case of an accident to put around someone or if you get caught in bad weather or other unplanned hold-up. So many great things are the simplest and this is certainly one of those. Nice one Snugpak.

Available in both Standard and XL sizes and in Black or Olive (and from June in Terrain Pattern).

[images © Mike Gormley]

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