The Panhard VPS (Véhicule Patrouille Spéciale or Special Patrol Vehicle) is used exclusively by French Army Special Forces (COM FST).
The two vehicles pictured here were participants in a dynamic display by COM FST at the 2018 EUROSATORY defence expo. Converted by Panhard, a sub-division of Renualt Trucks which has now been absorbed into ARQUUS, this highly specialist fleet (originally of 51 vehicles) was built on the 5-cylinder 2685cc 270 GDI variant of the Mercedes-Benz Geländewagen. Similar in concept to both the Land Rover Defender WMIK used by UK Special Forces and G-wagens used by several NATO SF units, the VPS is usually armed with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun in a ring mount and a 7.62mm general purpose machine gun in front of the commander. It has been operationally deployed in both Afghanistan and Africa.
For main feature see COM FST ~ French Army Special Forces
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