Home > Exercise News > Op CABRIT ~ TALLINN DAWN 23 MRX On Sennelager


A soldier within the Queens Royal Hussars (QRH) battlegroup returns fire during a live fire serial [Crown Copyright: Cpl Nanda Atherton]

The Queens Royal Hussars battlegroup recently took part in the TALLINN DAWN 23 Op CABRIT MRX (Mission Ready Exercise) on Sennelager Training Area.


The Queens Royal Hussars recently took part in Exercise TALLINN DAWN 23, which was a Mission Ready Exercise (MRX) that was part of the pre-deployment pathway for Operation CABRIT in Estonia.

[Crown Copyright: Sgt Beale]

The training took place at the Combat Ready Training Centre, which is based in Germany and oversees the training with mentors and observers on the ground advising personnel. Tracking devices were fitted to troops and equipment which relayed information to the Exercise Control room where data on how the Battlegroup performed was collated. The results from the information collected was then analysed to provide assessment and feedback of the battlegroup’s performance.

The demanding exercise was an arduous mix of simulation, live-firing field training phases involving armour, infantry, artillery and engineers. Delay and Hold serials were also validated to trade space for time with a range of supporting capabilities fixed together to develop the level of competencies, capabilities and integration required.

An additional company worth of French soldier from the 1st Section,13th Demi-Brigade of The French Foreign Legion took part on Exercise TALLIN DAWN 23 to integrate into the eFP Battlegroup.

French soldier from the 1st Section,13th Demi-Brigade of The French Foreign Legion took part on Exercise TALLIN DAWN to integrate into the Battlegroup [Crown: Cpl NA]
[Crown Copyright: Sgt Beale]

[all still images Crown Copyright: Cpl Nanda Atherton ]


Editor’s Footnote: Britain’s Queens Royal Hussars along with elements of France’s 13th Demi-Brigade (13e Demi-Brigade de Légion Étrangère) will form the core of the NATO eFP (enhanced Forward Presence) Battle Group in Estonia.


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