Home > Exercise News > UNION COURAGE 2022 ~ Distinguished Visitors Day In Belarus

UNION COURAGE 2022 ~ Distinguished Visitors Day In Belarus

General of the Army Sergei Shoigu of Russia and Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin of Belarus[© Russian Federation MoD]

The defence ministers of Russia and Belarus inspect the troops of the two countries in preparation for the exercise UNION COURAGE 2022.


Press Release 1, Moscow, 03 February 2022: The defence ministers of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, arrived at the Brestsky training ground, where they inspected the units of the armed forces of the two countries that are involved in checking the reaction forces of the Union State and the upcoming joint exercise UNION COURAGE 2022.

[© Russian Federation MoD]

The reaction forces of the Union State on Thursday are practising at the Brestsky training ground the infliction of fire damage to a mock enemy with the use of reconnaissance-shock and shock-fire complexes. To prevent the breakthrough of the mock enemy forces, it is planned to use a tactical air assault.

Also, Russian and Belarusian servicemen will have to work out the consolidation of units on new frontiers and the retention of the base area.

[© Russian Federation MoD]

For reference: Brestsky is one of the five Belarusian training grounds that will be involved in the UNION COURAGE 2022 exercise. In addition to it, the Domanovsky, Gozhsky, Obuz-Lesnovsky and Osipovichsky ranges, a number of terrain areas, as well as four airfields (Baranovichi, Luninets, Lida and Machulishchi) will also be involved. The exercise will be held from 10 to 20 February.

Press Release 2, Moscow, 03 February 2022: A live firing stage was held at the Brestsky training ground as part of the inspection of the reaction forces of the Union State of Russia and Belarus

At the Brestsky training ground, as part of the inspection of the reaction forces of the Union State, a stage was held with combat firing of combined arms and airborne units using artillery fire, practising assault and army aviation strikes.

[© Russian Federation MoD]

Aviation support for the units of the armed forces of Russia and Belarus involved in the inspection was carried out by Yak-130 and Su-25 aircraft. Aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aerial vehicles of the joint tactical group was carried out to deliver an air strike on the objects of a mock enemy. According to the target designations of the advanced aviation gunner, Yak-130 and Su-25 aircraft struck the equipment and manpower of the mock enemy with unguided aviation missiles.

The Defence Ministers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, observed the development of combat training tasks.

Press Release 3, Moscow, 03 February 2022: The gunners of Russia and Belarus destroyed the control points of the mock enemy during the inspection of the reaction forces of the Union State.

[© Russian Federation MoD]

Artillery units of the coalition grouping of troops of Russia and Belarus, as part of the inspection of the reaction forces of the Union State at the Brestsky training ground, worked out the destruction of equipment and manpower of the mock enemy.

During the artillery bombardment, the gunners of the two countries, in order to disrupt the enemy’s control system, struck at its control points, after which they carried out a systematic fire impact on newly identified targets. The fire was concentrated on the positions of mortars and on the advancing mock enemy.

A division of 152-mm modernised self-propelled howitzers Acacia, a division of 120-mm self-propelled artillery guns Nona-S, two batteries of multiple rocket launchers Grad, a mortar battery Sani and a mortar battery Nona-M1 were involved in the implementation of the combat training task.

[© Russian Federation MoD]

The episode was observed by the defence ministers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin.

Source: Russian Federation MoD Directorate of Media Service and Information


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