Home > Exercise News > BRILLIANT JUMP 20 ~ NATO VJTF Deploys


NATO soldiers transferred Polish armoured BWP-1 IFVs across flatbed rail cars at a rail yard in Mockava, Lithuania [©NATO]
The NATO VJTF (Very High Readiness Joint Task Force) has proved its ability to deploy rapidly during Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 20.


NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) proved its ability to deploy rapidly during Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 20, whose land deployment phase ran from 28 October to 6 November 2020.

Serving as the tip of the spear for the NATO Response Force, the VJTF is a multinational brigade kept in constant readiness to mobilise. The VJTF includes forces from 13 NATO Allies, including four Allies participating in BRILLIANT JUMP 20: the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland – which has led the VJTF since early 2020 – and Spain. During the exercise, Czech and Polish vehicles deployed to Lithuania by rail, stopping at the border to switch from broad-gauge Western European rails to the narrow-gauge variety found in much of Eastern Europe. Executing this transfer efficiently is vital to NATO’s ability to reinforce its eastern flank quickly.

After arriving in Lithuania, NATO troops proceeded to Pabradė Training Grounds to take part in the Lithuanian Exercise IRON WOLF II. To avoid the spread of COVID-19, troops avoided civilian populations during their transit and practised physical distancing.

[© NATO Multimedia]

This NATO Multimedia footage includes drone and standard shots of NATO soldiers transferring Polish armoured BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles across flatbed rail cars at a rail yard in Mockava, Lithuania.

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