Home > Exercise News > Operation CABRIT ~ Exercise KEVADTORM 20

Operation CABRIT ~ Exercise KEVADTORM 20

First Fusiliers with Warrior IFV, KEVADTORM 20 [© Estonian Defence Forces]
British Army personnel deployed to Estonia on Operation CABRIT for the NATO eFP mission have this week been participating in Exercise KEVADTORM 20, writes Bob Morrison.


Estonia’s largest field exercise of the year, KEVADTORM (SPRING STORM) 20, has been significantly reduced in scale on account of the COVID-19 pandemic with troop movements mostly confined to the Central Training area north of Tapa rather than the manoeuvres being free-flowing over the countryside as in previous years.

Estonian soldier from Kuperjanov Infantry Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Brigade in a prepared position on the Central Training Area [© Estonian Defence Forces]

Both of Estonia’s two Infantry Brigades are participating in the current combat phase of the exercise, along with the UK-led NATO eFP (enhanced Forward Presence) Battle Group or BG EST. This formation is currently led by the Queen’s Royal Hussars, with 1st Battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and a 200-strong Danish Army company group in support. Regrettably current travel restrictions mean I have not been able to cover KEVADTORM this year, which is a pity as I really like both Estonia and its people, but fortunately Estonian Defence Forces (Eesti Kaitsevägi) photographers are documenting the exercise. The following images were all taken on Tuesday 28th April on the Central Training Area and the photographers were Corporal Jäärats, Junior Sergeant Tõkke and Sergeant Valkenklau.

[images © General Staff of the Estonian Defence Forces, Information Department]

Estonian 2 Brigade defender with 12.7mm heavy machine gun [© Estonian Defence Forces]
A Danish company is currently attached to the QRH battle group [© Estonian Defence Forces]
These Estonian troops from the Kalev Infantry Battalion are part of 1 Infantry Brigade [© Estonian Defence Forces]

[images © General Staff of the Estonian Defence Forces, Information Department]

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