More than 700 paratroopers and 51 BMD-2 airborne assault vehicles of the Russian Airborne Troops parachuted at the Tsugol training ground within the VOSTOK 2018 drills.
Press Release, 13th September: Earlier military hardware and personnel had been loaded on 25 Il-76 military transport aircraft at the Belaya airfield near Irkutsk to be airlifted to the landing area, covering over 1,000km.
Having parachuted, airborne units trained to seize airfield of the mock enemy, siege critical facilities and retain a frontier to provide high momentum of the offensive by main forces during main episode of the drills.
The VOSTOK 2018 manoeuvres involve some 6,000 servicemen and some 900 pieces of military and special hardware of the Airborne Troops.
[ Source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation ]