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M142 HIMARS for Latvia Approved

Library image of a US Army HIMARS in travel configuration, Aqaba, October 2022 [© Bob Morrison]

The US State Department has made a determination approving a possible $220 million Foreign Military Sale to Latvia of M142 HIMARS.


DSCA Press Release, Washington, 24 October 2023: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Latvia of M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and related equipment for an estimated cost of $220 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of the Republic of Latvia has requested to buy six (6) M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); twelve (12) M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) Pods with Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System (IMPS); twelve (12) M31A2 GMLRS Unitary (GMLRS-U) High Explosive Pods with IMPS; and ten (10) M57 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) Pods. Also included are Reduced Range Practice Rocket (RRPR) Pods; intercom systems to support the HIMARS Launcher; ruggedised laptops; training; training equipment; publications for HIMARS, munitions, and spares; services; other support equipment; and other related elements of programme and logistic support. The estimated total programme cost is $220 million.

US Army HIMARS, Estonia, 23 May 2022 [Estonian MoD: Valmar Voolaid]

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe. The proposed sale will improve Latvia’s capability to meet current and future threats, and will enhance its interoperability with US and other allied forces. Latvia will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces. The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be Lockheed Martin, Grand Prairie, TX. There are no known offset agreements in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of two (2) US Government and five (5) contractor representatives to Latvia for a period of one year. Additional US Government or contractor representative travel to Latvia will be required for programme management reviews. This travel is expected to occur approximately twice a year or as needed to support equipment fielding and training. There will be no adverse impact on US defence readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

The description and dollar value are for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.


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