Home > Defence Equipment > New MDT Armor DAVID Urban LACV FMS Contract

New MDT Armor DAVID Urban LACV FMS Contract

A Toyota-based MDT Armor Corp DAVID LACV photographed in the Middle East in 2018 [© Bob Morrison]

MDT Armor Corp. was awarded a $21,913,585 firm-fixed-price FMSA contract for the purchase of David Urban Light Armored Vehicles.


US DoD Contract Notice, Arlington VA, 30 March 2023: MDT Armor Corp., Auburn, Alabama, was awarded a $21,913,585 firm-fixed-price contract for the purchase of DAVID Urban Light Armored Vehicles.

Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Auburn, Alabama, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2025. Fiscal 2023 Foreign Military Sales (Israel) funds in the combined amount of $21,913,585 were obligated at the time of the award. US Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, is the contracting activity. (Awarded March 30, 2023)


A Toyota-based MDT Armor Corp DAVID LACV photographed in the Middle East in 2018 [© Bob Morrison]

Editor’s Comment: Previously based on the original Land Rover Defender, out of production since 2016, the MDT Armor DAVID is now offered on the Toyota Land Cruiser.


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