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OIP Sensor Systems ~ French FN SCAR-H PR

The 7.62mm SCAR-H PR, seen here in Belgian service, is employed as a designated marksman rifle and features a maximum effective range of 800m [©Carl Schulze]
OIP Sensor Systems & Telefunken-Racoms have been awarded a contract from the French DGA to deliver approximately 2620 FN SCAR-H PR rifles plus sights.


Press Release, 20 January 2020: OIP Sensor Systems from Oudenaarde, Belgium, and its co-contractor Telefunken-Racoms, Ulm, Germany, were awarded a contract from the French DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement) to deliver approximately 2620 FN SCAR-H PR from FN Herstal, equipped with PMII ShortDot Dual CC sights from Schmidt & Bender, new TIGRIS clip-on sights (two variants, I² and IR) in large quantities, as well as ammunition from MEN Metallwerk Elisenhütte GmbH.

FN SCAR-H PR and TIGRIS sights [images via OIP]

OIP’s TIGRIS clip-on sights will feature main components from the French industry: 4G image intensifier tubes from Photonis for the I² variant, and Device-ALab thermal cores with Lynred infrared detectors for the IR variant. The contract entered into force on December 13th, 2019, and includes a qualification phase followed by several batches to be delivered over a period to be determined during the execution of the contract. The total investment for the French Ministry of Defence, including optional batches, represents almost 100 million euros.

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