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BIRD Aerosystems Wins South American Contract.

Under a new contract BIRD Aerosystems will enhance the operational capabilities of a fleet of ASIO-equipped aircraft which is currently in service in South America enabling them to conduct more effective operations with improved connectivity and data sharing within the Task Force.


Press Release, August 1st 2018: BIRD Aerosystems, the leading developer of Special Mission Aircraft Solutions (ASIO) and Airborne Missile Protection Systems (AMPS), has recently been contracted to enhance operational capabilities of current fleet of ASIO equipped aircraft of a South American customer.

The operational enhancements include an upgrade of BIRD’s MSIS Mission Management System to enable enhanced mission sensor operations, precise tracking of suspected targets and the use of advanced mission management algorithms which altogether are expected to further reduce the operator workload during the mission and to enable a more effective mission. The upgrade will also enhance the SATCOM utilisation of the system, enabling the communication via SATCOM to transfer system data dynamically as well as high-resolution videos.

In addition, BIRD Aerosystems will add advanced task force command and control (C&C) capability to one of the customer’s ASIO aircraft, enabling high-level commanders onboard the aircraft to fully command over the Task Force missions from the air while also communicating in real time with the ground teams and the headquarters. The C&C aircraft shall further enhance customer mission effectiveness by providing real-time situational awareness and decision making to both commanders in the field and onboard the aircraft.

Ronen Factor, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Founder at BIRD Aerosystems: “BIRD Aerosystems offers its customers turn-key solutions that are specifically tailored for the needs of each customer, and our broad range of support and maintenance services ensures that each customer will be able to get the most out of our systems and maintain high operational capability. I am confident that the enhancement of operational capabilities of the current ASIO aircraft fleet under the current contract will allow the customer to manage its missions in an even more effective and efficient way.”

[Image via BIRD Aerosystems]

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