SK Group strengthens ties with Brazil, presenting its small arms solutions, optical sights and ‘through-wall-imaging’ systems at LAAD 2023.
Press Release, Ramat-Hasharon, 05 April 2023: SK Group – a privately-held technology and innovation holding company founded by Mr. Samy Katsav, specialising in global frontline defence, paramilitary solutions, marine infrastructures, and property development – is to present its latest offering in small arms solutions, optical sights, and ‘through-wall imaging’ systems, at the upcoming LAAD exhibition.
One of the systems being introduced to this market is the XAVER 400 ‘through-wall-imaging’ system by Camero-Tech. The IDF Home Front Command SAR Unit expedition to Turkey recently used the advanced system to locate survivors and save lives following the recent earthquake.
“After the four years in which the LAAD exhibition did not take place, we are looking forward to returning and presenting SK Group’s cutting-edge systems and solutions, which have been operationally proven, both by the IDF and by various militaries worldwide,” says Ronen Hamudot, SK Group Executive VP of Marketing and Sales. “The Group sees Latin America as an important and strategic market in which our systems and solutions meet the challenges facing military and paramilitary forces in modern warfare.”
Among the solutions to be showcased by SK Group at the exhibition are the following:
- IWI ~ The NEGEV series of light machine guns. NEGEV, one of the lightest machine guns in the world, can be operated from a variety of shooting platforms and is equipped with a two-position safety selector: semi and fully automatic. NEGEV is known for its extremely low recoil and highly-reliable and robust mechanism.
- IWI ~ The ARAD series of assault rifles. ARAD was conceived as the ultimate assault rifle for military and law enforcement use. ARAD has recently emerged as a leading AR-15 platform in the Latin American market. Fully ambidextrous with enhanced accuracy, it offers 100% interchangeability and requires minimal maintenance, thus dramatically reducing the overall cost of the system.
- IWI ~ The GAL riot control versatile protective suit is being showcased for the first time in Brazil. This patent-pending solution is intended to reduce trauma sustained by forces by up to 90%.
- IWI ~ The JERICHO and MASADA pistols, both with outstanding ergonomic design. The JERICHO line is one of the most popular and respected brands of pistols in the world, with a steel and polymer double action/ single-action hammer-fired pistol. The MASADA is a 9mm polymer-framed striker-fired pistol that utilises a modular serialised high-grade steel trigger mechanism housing that can be easily removed, ensuring multiple configurations.
- Camero-Tech ~ The XAVER series of through-the-wall imaging systems. The XAVER 100 is an ultra-portable, handheld, durable life detector that provides an indication of target presence, movement direction, and distance from the wall. The XAVER 400 is a compact radar-based device that provides accurate, real-time, mission-critical information on live and static objects, giving a valuable indication of their location within a structure, from a distance of 20 metres. The XAVER LR40 is a long-range sense-through-wall radar, optimised for urban and rural operations. Detecting live objects through walls at a distance of 50 metres and beyond, the XAVER LR40 gathers accurate, mission-critical, real-time intel about live objects hidden behind walls, while set up at a safe distance.
- Meprolight ~ Meprolight’s advanced sights, with unique capabilities. The MEPRO TIGON thermal imaging optic integrates the advantages of uncooled thermal imaging technology for night-time and low-visibility conditions, with a red-dot reticle for daytime environments. The lightweight MEPRO NYX-200 multi-spectral thermal sight features a high-quality 12µ thermal core, delivering improved thermal and day-channel optics for increased situational awareness. The MEPRO M5 and MEPRO MX3-T military-grade electro-optical red-dot sight is the perfect combination for the modern battlefield, pairing crystal-clear red dot for short distance, with a tactical magnifier for increased/ longer distances.