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UK Mobilising, Modernising and Transforming Defence Report

Earlier this afternoon the UK MoD published its report on the Modernising Defence Programme but in our opinion there is little in it of real substance.


Background: The Defence Secretary launched the Modernising Defence Programme in January 2018 with the aim of further strengthening and modernising defence in response to a more complex and challenging international security situation. The report titled ‘Mobilising, Modernising & Transforming Defence’ describes a set of policy approaches and capability investments that “will help to keep us on track to deliver the right UK defence for the coming decade”.

The report’s Conclusion, printed here in full, states:-
“Our achievements under the MDP have made Defence stronger. Supported by the additional £1.8 billion funding announced in the Autumn Budget, we have established a set of policy approaches and capability investments that will help to keep us on track to deliver the right UK Defence for the coming decade.

“We have laid the groundwork to become an even more Global Britain.
“We have earmarked funding to drive the development of innovative new capabilities.
“We have established a plan to make our business fit to face the challenges ahead, including integrating offensive cyber better into Defence and the rest of Government.
“We have taken the opportunity to forward base the Army, increase the points of presence of the Royal Navy around the world, the Royal Air Force has celebrated its past whilst investing in its future capabilities, and
we have innovated in space and cyber.

“But there is more work to be done. We need to explore the opportunities to increase the lethality, mass and reach of our Armed Forces, so that we have the right capabilities, in the right numbers and forward based in the right locations to protect the rules-based international order and the security and prosperity it provides.

“As we move towards next year’s Spending Review, we must sustain this momentum if we are to realise our long-term goals. The pace of change in the strategic context and the rate at which technology is developing means that we will need to keep our policy and capability plans under more regular review.

“The Defence Secretary will continue to work with the Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the National Security Council to explore how these aims should be fulfilled alongside our other national security priorities.”

The full report, in PDF, can be downloaded from this link.

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