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French DGA Launches Stage 5 of SCCOA

SCCOA [DGA press release image]

The French DGA launches stage 5 of the SCCOA (Système de Commandement et de Contrôle des Opérations Aérospatiales) programme.


Press Release, Versailles, 02 February 2023: [auto-translated] As part of stage 5 of the SCCOA ‘Système de Commandement et de Contrôle des Opérations Aérospatiales‘ [Command and Control System for Aerospace Operations] programme, the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) notified Thales on December 27, 2022 of the ‘Détection 22′ contract. intended for the renewal of several categories of radars for the Air and Space Force and the French Navy, for an amount of 212.8 million euros.

The SCCOA system of systems enables the Armed Forces to carry out airspace surveillance and control missions, ground-air defence coordination, preparation and conduct of air operations, on national territory and in external operations, for 30 years. It includes a set of means organised into a coherent whole: sensors, mainly radars, operations centres and means of transmissions forming an automated and interoperable network with our NATO allies.

Stage 5 of the SCCOA programme aims to gradually and incrementally renew the SCCOA’s resources by dealing with major obsolescence, to adapt to changes in regulations (national and European such as the Single European Sky) and to strengthen in-service operational capabilities and performance. In this context, the purpose of the ‘Détection 22‘ market is to initiate the renewal of the first half of the fleet of approach radars for air and naval bases from 2025, to continue the modernisation of the fleet of tactical radars surveillance with the supply of mobile tactical radars (acquisition of four GM200) and the acquisition of a low-altitude surveillance radar for the benefit of the Linès-Bégo shooting complex (Morbihan). The marketplace will also allow for later ordering,

This stage 5 of the SCCOA programme is also marked by the order of a new air operations command and control system, the Air Command and Control System (ACCS). This constituent system of the SCCOA, developed within the Alliance, will eventually allow France to be naturally interoperable with the NATO command structures. This unique and integrated system is capable of managing in real time all types of operation in the third dimension on the peacetime-crisis-wartime continuum. France has chosen ACCS to meet its national needs, and the ‘ACCS MSO France’ market, notified on December 28, 2022 to Thales,

The 2019-2025 military programming law provides for the continued modernisation of the SCCOA system, with improved detection capabilities as well as the strengthening of surveillance on national territory and in operation.


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