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Military Land Rovers Pt.1 ~ Introduction

Over the last thirty years I have been on a little bit of a mission to photograph Land Rovers in military service on exercise and deployments, at home and abroad, off-road and on-road.

Although by my reckoning I have penned at least one feature article on military Rovers for every day of the year, not to mention authoring a clutch of photobooks on this topic as well, very little of my work has made it (legally) onto this t’internet thingy. Recent events have caused me to think that maybe I should rectify this situation, not least because the days of the specialist newsstand magazine appear to drawing to a close even though I much prefer to read from paper than on an electronic device, so as an experiment I plan to produce a series of web features based on my extensive image library and hopefully expanded further by images taken on future assignments.

Very rare shot of Pathfinder FASTBALL Defender 90 Gunships, Long Valley near Aldershot, circa 1993 [© Bob Morrison]

At present there is just a kernel of an idea germinating in that dark recess between my ears but, if all goes to plan, I hope to start regularly posting articles on my favourite 4×4 in the not too distant future. From attending both Land Rover and Living History shows, not to mention talking to serving and former military Rover drivers who also run one of Solihull’s children as their personal transport, I know there is a legion of enthusiasts out there so if you are not yourself bitten by the green oval bug but know somebody who has been, please point them at this page. Thanks

Bob Morrison

British Wolf Land Rovers deployed on Operation CABRIT in Estonia, May 2017 [© Bob Morrison]

Estonian Army Defender 110 FFR, IRON WOLF 17, June 2017 [© Bob Morrison]

Latvian Military Police Defender 110 Station Wagon, SWIFT ARROW 17, October 2017 [© Bob Morrison]

16 Air Assault Brigade Wolf 110 Soft Top, SWIFT RESPONSE 17, Hohenfels, October 2017 [© Bob Morrison]

Jordanian Army QRF Defender 110 Windowed Hard Top, Marka, May 2018 [© Bob Morrison]

Finally, a blast from the past – a 1 PARA WMIK, near Imber on Salisbury Plain, EAGLE’S LIFT 2002 [© Bob Morrison]

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