An APS-2 staging grid was set at Libava in Czechia ready to issue an entire US cavalry equipment set to the West Virginia Army National Guard.
On Thursday, 02 May, an APS-2 (Army Prepositioned Stocks-2) staging grid was set at Libava in Czechia, ready to issue an entire cavalry APS-2 equipment set to the 1st Squadron, 150th Cavalry Regiment from the West Virginia Army National Guard for DEFENDER 24.
The 405th Army Field Support Brigade’s Army Field Support Battalion-Africa ( AFSBn-Africa) has established an Equipment Configuration and Hand-off Area (ECHA) in Libava, and over the course of the next couple of days the battalion from Livorno, Italy, conducted technical inspections of all the tactical vehicles, basic issue items and support equipment with Soldiers from the 1st Squadron, 150th Cav. Regt., the gaining tactical unit.
“At the ECHA site there are approximately 400 major end items, which include M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, M113 Armored Personnel Carriers, Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, Light Medium Tactical Vehicles, and a variety of different types of rolling stock, to include fuellers, wreckers and more,” said Thomas Kilian, the director of supply at AFSBn-Africa and the ECHA site lead in Libava.

The cavalry equipment set was transported from Coleman Army Prepositioned Stocks-2 worksite in Mannheim, Germany, using commercial line-haul transporters. The contracted workforce at Coleman, approximately 50 personnel, travelled from there to Libava to help set the staging grid for DEFENDER 24 and assist with the issue of equipment to the 1st Squadron, 150th Cav. Regt. at the ECHA site. Command and control of the ECHA site is the responsibility of AFSBn-Africa
“According to ECHA standard operating procedures, we will conduct a joint technical inventory with the gaining tactical unit, looking at all the major end items and the basic issue items to include the components of end items, and together we’ll ensure everything per the hand receipts is all there,” said Kilian. “Once the gaining tactical unit verifies that all the serial numbers are correct on the hand receipts and all the equipment is 100 percent operational, then we sign the equipment over to them.”
The 405th AFSB’s APS-2 programme provides turn-key power projection packages ready to deploy at a moment’s notice while helping to reduce the amount of equipment needed from the deploying forces’ home stations. APS-2 sites help reduce deployment timelines, improve deterrence capabilities and provide additional combat power for contingency operations. APS-2 equipment may also be drawn for use in training and exercises, like DEFENDER 24.
The 405th AFSB is assigned to US Army Sustainment Command and headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The brigade and provides materiel enterprise support to US Forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theatre sustainment logistics; synchronising acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging the US Army Materiel Command’s materiel enterprise to support joint forces.
Source USAREURAF: Cameron Porter

The Army Prepositioned Stock-2 (APS-2) programme is the logistical foundation of the US Army Europe’s commitment to readiness, capability, and regional security. Designed to provide swift and decisive support to the warfighter, APS-2 simultaneously fosters regional stability and security. By strategically positioning vital equipment and supplies, APS-2 ensures that US forces can respond to emerging threats in designated theatres. Prepositioning stocks in strategic locations ensures that Soldiers have the right equipment and materials in the right location to win on the battlefield.
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- DEFENDER is the Dynamic Employment of Forces to Europe for NATO Deterrence and Enhanced Readiness, and is a US European Command scheduled, US Army Europe and Africa conducted exercise that consists of SABER STRIKE, IMMEDIATE RESPONSE, and SWIFT RESPONSE.
- DEFENDER 24 is linked to NATO’s STEADFAST DEFENDER exercise, and DoD’s Large Scale Global Exercise, taking place from 28 March to 31 May.
- DEFENDER 24 is the largest US Army exercise in Europe and includes more than 17,000 US and 23,000 multinational service members from more than 20 Allied and partner nations, including Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.