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Rohde und Schwarz SOVERON for Polish ATC

Rohde & Schwarz will deliver multiple R&S M3SR Series4400 SDR stations to the Polish Armaments Agency for ATC [© Rohde & Schwarz]

Polish armed forces award Rohde und Schwarz a contract for VHF/UHF R&S Series4400 SOVERON software defined radios for ATC.


Press Release, Warsaw/Munich, 05 June 2024: Rohde & Schwarz is proud to announce the contract award by the Polish Armaments Agency for the delivery of multiple VHF/UHF R&S M3SR Series4400 software defined radio stations of the SOVERON family for air traffic control (ATC).

The contract includes the modernisation of existing infrastructure, in accordance with the strict conditions set out in the Directive. The VHF/UHF radio stations will undergo software updates to incorporate the secure communication HAVE QUICK II and SATURN functionalities.

“Rohde & Schwarz is proud to support Poland’s defence on this important project, which will enhance the safety and efficiency of operations across the Polish airspace,” Maciej Stopniak, Office Head of Rohde & Schwarz Poland, explains. “The acquisition of these radio stations is crucial for maintaining a unified communication system within the Polish Armed Forces. By procuring the equipment from Rohde & Schwarz, the Polish Armaments Agency ensures compatibility and seamless integration with its existing infrastructure.”

The specific demand for military ATC includes international cooperation during peacekeeping and humanitarian missions alongside comprehensive interoperability, internal, joint and multinational, from the operations centre to each individual aircraft. As Rohde & Schwarz is a pioneer in civil ATC and military communications solutions, this expertise is of benefit for both markets.


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