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G3 Systems and Utilis Role 2 Field Hospital

Belgian MoD Role 2 Field Hospital Medical Equipment [G3 Systems press release image]

G3 Systems and Utilis have delivered a second fully deployable Role 2 Field Hospital for the Belgian Ministry of Defence.


Press Release, Portland, 07 September 2023: [embargoed until 09:00] G3 Systems Limited, the British company with over 20 years of operationally proven expertise in designing and producing deployable containerised solutions and providing infrastructure support to military in remote locations across the globe, has delivered in partnership with Utilis a second fully deployable Role 2 Field Hospital. The G3 Systems team will be at DSEi23 available for meetings to discuss similar deployable infrastructure solutions and all their other infrastructure support capabilities.

G3 Systems were invited to form a partnership with Utilis to maximise their respective skills and experience in the deployable infrastructure sector to bid for the contract in 2020. Both companies have a strong operational pedigree with metallo-textile structure solutions, rapidly deployable infrastructure and supporting military operations in austere locations. For this contract, Utilis led on the delivery of the tents, shelters and M&E infrastructure while G3 Systems were responsible for delivering the medical equipment and providing the through life support. The G3 Systems – Utilis partnership was successful in bidding for the contract in 2020 and together, through the most challenging pandemic era, they delivered the first of two Role 2 Hospitals in December 2021. Subsequently, the option of an order for a second Role 2 Hospital was received in 2022 for which Initial Operating Capability (IOC) was achieved in April this year and a target date of Full Operating Capability (FOC) for the whole contract is expected by 2026.

A Role 2 Field Hospital is a vital element in the medical evacuation chain as it is deployed forward in a conflict zone to minimise the time taken from injury to primary treatment. Its mission is to identify, triage, and if necessary, operate on casualties to stabilise them before they are transported to more specialist care or rehabilitation further from the conflict zone. The G3 Systems – Utilis solution meets the demanding military specifications imposed by the Belgian MoD and the shelters have successfully passed rigorous testing to NATO standards including in extreme weather conditions. These factors combined with the speed and ease of deployment ensures that the Belgian MoD can fully deliver on their NATO medical support commitments.

Nick Rose, Managing Director at G3 Systems Limited said, “Both G3 Systems and Utilis have vast experience in this sector and this project is an excellent example of true partnership working to deliver the best possible capability for the client. I am also delighted with how the project has progressed through some significant global challenges and wish to commend all the project team for their tireless commitment and professionalism to overcome such hurdles and still deliver an excellent product for our customer.”


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