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BIRD Aerosystems Czech AMPS Deliveries

Czech Mi-17 helicopter [BIRD Aerosystems press release image]

BIRD Aerosystems has completed deliveries of additional AMPS systems for Czech Mi-17 helicopters, including MACS and SPREOS DIRCM.


Press Release, Herzliya, 01 May 2023: BIRD Aerosystems, a global provider of innovative defence technology and solutions that protect the air, sea, and land fleets of governments and related agencies, announces that it has successfully completed the deliveries of additional AMPS systems, including the MACS – a Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor – and a provision of SPREOS, the Self Protection Radar Electro-Optic System DIRCM, on Czech Mi-17 helicopters. This programme is part of a follow-up programme with the Czech Air Force that has been protecting its helicopters with the AMPS system for the last 15 years and has deployed them in the most complex environments, such as Afghanistan.

BIRD’s AMPS Airborne Missile Protection System provides the most enhanced protection for military and civilian aircraft against the growing threat of ground-to-air missiles (MANPADS). The system is designed to automatically detect, verify, and foil SAM attacks through the effective use of countermeasure decoys (Flares and Chaff) and Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) that jam the missile’s IR seeker and protect the aircraft.

BIRD Aerosystems will showcase its AMPS Airborne Missile Protection Solutions, including the MACS sensor and SPREOS DIRCM, at the Adriatic Sea Defense & Aerospace Exhibition in Zadar, Croatia.

“Completing another successful programme of our AMPS systems on Czech aircraft, we are honoured to be their partner of choice for Airborne Missile Protection Solutions, and to provide them with the best means to protect their aircrews” said Ronen Factor, Co-CEO and Founder at BIRD Aerosystems.


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