Home > Defence Equipment > Germany Orders E-LynX Software Defined Radios

Germany Orders E-LynX Software Defined Radios

The state-of-the-art E-LynX series soldier radios are already in use by various armed forces around the world [© Elbit Systems Deutschland]

Elbit Systems Deutschland receives an order from Germany’s BAAINBw to supply E-LynX Software Defined Radios to the Bundeswehr.


Press Release, Ulm, 12 January 2023: [auto-translated] After a public tender, the German Bundestag approved the conclusion of a framework agreement between the Elbit consortium, consisting of Elbit Systems Deutschland, its Israeli parent company and the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) in December 2022 .

Production of the SDRs will take place at Elbit Systems Deutschland’s Ulm plant and the SDRs are expected to see service in the armed forces over the next 6 to 8 years. The contract covers several thousand E-LynX systems in handheld and vehicle radio configurations as well as the services and accessories required for operation.

The E-LynX radios are deployed at squad and platoon levels and are installed on board various combat vehicles. They are a key building block for connected warfare, enabling advanced connected combat solutions in all environments.

Designed in an open architecture, the E-LynX family SDR systems provide interoperable multi-channel network capabilities that enable dynamic and autonomous optimization of spectrum resources and simultaneous mission execution, while providing fast, robust, and secure communications in any terrain guarantee.

Gregor Zowierucha, Managing Director of Elbit Systems Germany, said: “We are proud to provide the Bundeswehr with state-of-the-art network and radio technology. We remain committed to supporting the Bundeswehr and our industrial partners with excellent products, technologies and operational capabilities.”


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