Rohde und Schwarz launches R&S ADD597 integrated high-performance antenna system for single-channel direction finders.
Press Release, Munich, 07 June 2022: Today, Rohde & Schwarz announced the launch of the high-performance R&S ADD597 direction finding and monitoring antenna system. It is a key element in fixed, mobile and transportable spectrum monitoring stations. Combined with a single-channel direction finder, R&S ADD597 delivers reliable measurement results even in dense spectrum environments. It covers the frequency range from 20 MHz to 8.5 GHz (vertical polarization) and 20 MHz to 7.5 GHz (horizontal polarisation).
R&S ADD597 has high accuracy direction finding, sensitivity and superior immunity to reflections, making it a key component for all ITU-compliant monitoring tasks, including automated detection, identification and localisation of interfering signals and unlicensed emissions. Installed on mobile and transportable platforms, it allows detecting and geolocating tactical critical conventional communications, such as private mobile radios. All antennal elements for VHF/UHF/SHF direction finding and monitoring are integrated in a single compact radome and creatively combined with the system.
“Our new R&S ADD597 direction finding and monitoring antenna system can be installed on a mast or vehicle roof using optional mast or vehicle adapter and can even fit underneath the plastic rooftops typically used to cover antennas,” says Frank Mayer, Vice President Spectrum Monitoring, Rohde & Schwarz. “It comes with an integrated electronic compass and can be equipped with a GNSS receiver (instead of a lightning rod) for mobile applications. It can be combined with R&S ESMD, R&S ESME or R&S EB500 monitoring receivers and R&S UMS300 or R&S UMS400 universal monitoring systems.”