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BIRD Aerosystems To Present At AOC Europe

Mi-17 Helicopters with Bird Aerosystems SPREOS [© BIRD Aerosystems]

BIRD Aerosystems will present its advanced EW solutions including the SPREOS DIRCM at the AOC Europe conference.


Press Release, Herzliya, 09 May 2022: BIRD Aerosystems, a global provider of innovative defense technology and solutions that protect the air, sea, and land fleets of governments and related agencies, will present its AMPS Airborne Missile Protection Systems, including the SPREOS DIRCM, the most advanced and lightweight DIRCM solution available today, and the MACS Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor, at the AOC Europe conference in Montpellier, France.

Protecting hundreds of aircraft operating worldwide in the most dangerous arenas, BIRD Aerosystems’ innovative electronic warfare solutions integrate Electromagnetic and Electro-optic Effects to ensure optimal platform protection in the most effective way. BIRD Aerosystems’ unique technology enables the use of a Semi-Active Doppler Radar as a secondary detection sensor tasked with interrogating the approaching threat detected by the primary optical Missile Warning Sensors (MWS), and confirming that it is a real missile and not a false alarm. At the same time, it precisely assesses the nature of the particular threat, tracking it and cueing an advanced QCL dual-band laser to defeat the threat.

BIRD Aerosystems MACS ~ Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor [© BIRD Aerosystems: Markiian Lyseiko]

Ronen Factor, Co-CEO and Founder at BIRD Aerosystems: “As the recent conflict in Ukraine demonstrated, MANPADS are an extremely effective weapon that poses a real threat to military and civil aircraft and can prevent either side from obtaining air supremacy. In order to mitigate this risk and ensure the safety of aircraft and crew, the AMPS system is uniquely able to alert and confirm of an incoming threat with zero false alarms. Using the SPREOS DIRCM and optionally flares, it provides the most enhanced protection tailored for the specific threat”.

BIRD’s SPREOS (Self Protection Radar Electro-Optic System) is an advanced DIRCM system that provides enhanced protection against different types of MANPADS, including the most advanced ones, for a wide range of airborne platforms ranging from small helicopters to large transport aircraft and enables the most effective jamming response.


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