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THeMIS Combat UGV Delivered To Thailand

THeMIS RGV with 30mm R400S RWS [©Milrem]

Milrem Robotics has delivered the THeMIS Combat UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) or RCV (Robotic Combat Vehicle) to Thailand.


Press Release, Tallinn, 08 February 2022: At the end of last year, the European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics delivered the THeMIS Combat unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to the Defence Technology Institute (DTI). The Robotic Combat Vehicle (RCV), as it is known, will be tested and evaluated by the Royal Thai Army and DTI in the near future.

The RCV comprises of the THeMIS UGV and the R400S – Mk2-HD Remote Weapon Station (RWS) by the Australian Space and Defence company Electro Optic Systems (EOS). The RWS also includes the Northrop Grumman M230 LF cannon. Milrem Robotics is also the system integrator for the RCV.

“It’s our honour to be the robotic systems partner with Royal Thai Army and DTI. This is a significant delivery and deployment for the Milrem THeMIS. It demonstrates that the THeMIS can master very challenging environments. Also, the successful integration of a 30 mm weapon system brings THeMIS’ firepower to the next level. Cooperation with DTI will grow the local robotic technology capabilities in Thailand in terms of the local assembly and system integration,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.

The THeMIS Combat UGVs provide direct fire support for manoeuvre forces and act as a force multiplier. With an integrated self-stabilising remote-controlled weapon system, they provide high precision over wide areas, day and night, increasing stand-off distance, force protection and survivability. THeMIS Combat UGVs can be equipped with light or heavy machine guns, 40 mm grenade launchers and Anti-Tank Missile Systems.

The THeMIS UGV has already been acquired by 12 countries, including several NATO members. In addition to providing the unmanned vehicle, Milrem Robotics, in cooperation with end-users, is engaged in several systems integration projects.


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