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RAAF ~ Rohde und Schwarz Upgrades Air-Ground-Air Voice Link

ATC control tower image © Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz has been contracted for CERTIUM Radios, VCS-4G voice comms system and management systems for twelve RAAF Air Traffic Control facilities.


Press Release, Sydney/Munich, 08 July 2020: Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) signed a contract with BAE Systems to provide software defined radios, back up communications systems and monitoring for Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) air traffic control (ATC). This contract forms part of Project AIR 5431 Phase 3, which will see the current fixed military air traffic management and control systems at twelve locations replaced with a new harmonised system.

Project AIR 5431 Phase 3 feeds into the national OneSky Project, which aims to deliver safe and more efficient air traffic services; manage future air traffic growth; and support national security based on a seamless civil-military cooperation in ATC.

Managing Director of Rohde & Schwarz (Australia), Gareth Evans said: “The support being provided by Rohde & Schwarz includes CERTIUM radios and ancillaries, CERTIUM VCS-4G as the backup voice communications system, and CERTIUM management systems for all of the twelve ATC facilities.

“Rohde & Schwarz will deliver all required elements over the next twelve months. We have the capability in Australia to sustain CERTIUM systems from our integration laboratory, maintenance, and calibration facilities in Sydney.

“We are proud to roll out reliable Rohde & Schwarz technology proven in the world market in Australia.”

In March, Rohde & Schwarz launched CERTIUM, an advanced ATC communications suite. The R&S Series4200 is a field-tested cornerstone of this portfolio, with more than 30,000 radios in service around the world. The software defined architecture makes the suite ED-137C VoIP compliant and a reliable solution for years to come. Its successor, the new R&S Series5200 radio will offer the same RF performance, while defining a new standard in safety, security and efficiency.

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