With significant progress made in the UK BOXER Programme over the last two years the vehicles were one of the centrepieces of DVD 2024.
OCCAR Press Release, Millbrook, 19 September 2024: On 18-19 September 2024, the UK Ministry of Defence sponsored the biennial Dynamic Vehicle Demonstration (DVD2024) event in UTAC Millbrook, UK.
With significant progress made in the UK BOXER Programme over the last two years, and the British Army heralding the BOXER as a central element to their future land fighting power, the BOXERs were one of the centrepieces of this event with a number of variants on display (including Command, Infantry and Specialist Carrier variants) as well as a dynamic demonstration of the impressive BOXER capability live around the UTAC test track.
Ms. Alexandra Alonzi, the BOXER Programme Manager from OCCAR, was invited to present alongside the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) and the British Army, highlighting the cooperative nature of the programme delivery. To an international audience of military, governmental and defence industry, Ms. Alonzi was able to present an overview of the current and future BOXER Programme, highlighting the advantages that international cooperation through OCCAR and other partners has brought to all involved nations in developing and advancing the BOXER capability rapidly and effectively.
The British Army furthermore shared their plans for their BOXER pipeline and future variants, which will continue to modernise and diversify the BOXER family. OCCAR is working closely with UK stakeholders to advance planning and contracting activities, as well as supporting all other BOXER nations with their future aspirations, and further exciting developments are expected to be announced in 2025.
