The HYDIS SSR meetings between Consortium Coordinator, Participating States and OCCAR, took place to conclude the first programme milestone.
OCCAR Press Release, Paris, 13 December 2024: The Solution Space Review (SSR) meetings, between the consortium coordinator (MBDA) the Participating States (DE, FR, IT and NL) and OCCAR, took place to conclude this first programme milestone.
Since the contracts’ signatures on the 15th of May 2024, the ramp-up phase was dedicated to settle the initial set of threat scenarios, concepts and interception strategies, while collecting the Participating States’ customer needs, missions and establishing a Concept of Operations. Under the coordination of MBDA, the reference aeronautical institutions (TNO, ONERA and CIRA) have initiated the definition of threats set with associated performance levels. By way of four dedicated workshops, MBDA has captured the Participating States’ Weapon System constraints, interfaces and roadmaps, including external early warning and tracking sensors layers.
In parallel, the Industrial Consortium has identified and assessed different possible concepts and variants of hypersonic threats interceptors, named Solution Space, structured around two interception strategies: in-dive or in-glide. For each concept, a high-level weapon system functional and physical architecture was defined with specific highlights on aerodynamics, propulsion, airframe design, target acquisition and tracking, engagement planning, trajectory optimisation and terminal phase segment.
Based on the evaluation criteria converged between HYDIS Participating States, such as the effector performance against the threat set, the weapon system resilience, the launching platform integrability or the affordability and weapon system in service date, the Industry coordinator managed to prioritise the different possible interceptor’s concepts architectures.
The validation of this important milestone now enables the HYDIS programme to enter into the next phase of the funnel approach, where deeper technological maturations of the Solution Space will be performed that will enable progressively to discard the least promising architectures.
¤ The European Hypersonic Defence Interceptor System (HYDIS) is a project co-funded by the European Union, under the European Defence Fund, and by four Participating States (PSs) which are France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. OCCAR has been entrusted by the European Commission (EC) for the indirect management of the action by the signature of a Contribution Agreement. OCCAR, as Contracting Authority, has concluded a contract with the HYDIS consortium to implement the programme, on behalf of EU and the Member States. Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.