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GM Defense NGTV-H testing during COMBINED RESOLVE 25-1 at Hohenfels [US Army: Capt Thomas McCarty]

The US Army has been capability testing on the Next Generation Tactical Vehicle-Hybrid (NGTV-H) during COMBINED RESOLVE 25-1 in Germany.


The US Army’s 10th Mountain Division has been capability testing on the GM Defense Next Generation Tactical Vehicle-Hybrid (NGTV-H) during COMBINED RESOLVE 25-1.

In a recently released video Staff Sgt. Nicholas Chavez, an air traffic control specialist assigned to 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, describes the features and capabilities of the new Next Generation Tactical Vehicle-Hybrid prototype, a diesel-electric light reconnaissance vehicle, at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center or JMRC, Hohenfels Training Area, Germany.

[US Army video: Sgt Chandler Coats]

Approximately 4,000 military personnel from the US and 15 European countries are participating in COMBINED RESOLVE 25-1. During the exercise the US Army is implementing its ‘Transforming in Contact’ initiative, utilising new technologies and systems designed to enhance its warfighting readiness and ability to respond to crisis or conflict.

In a second US Army video sequence shot at Hohenfels viewers are treated to some close-ups of the NGTV-H, which was launched behind closed doors at AUSA 2024. A GM Defense Spokesperson last night informed JOINT-FORCES that ‘Next Gen’ will make its first public international appearance at IDEX 2025 in Abu Dhabi and stated: “NGTV-H is a diesel-powered solution that integrates GM’s 12-module advanced battery pack along with proven drive motors for the front and rear axles, which enables Silent Drive and Silent Watch capabilities. The vehicle’s technologies enable stealthy ingress and egress for high threat zones, while offering exportable power for soldier kit, sensors, shooters, and the like proliferating on today’s transparent battlefield.”

[US Army video:Spc Jennifer Posy]

“It’s pretty spectacular to see soldiers getting hands-on experience with the Next Gen tech demonstrator as they continue operations in support of NATO,” said JD Johnson, Vice President of Government Solutions & Strategy for GM Defense. “Not only do soldiers and commanders benefit from understanding how these technologies contribute to mission accomplishment in simulated combat training, but their insights provide invaluable feedback that helps engineers refine solutions that enhance existing capability. The feedback we’re getting is incredibly positive. In addition to the vehicle’s silent drive and low thermal signature, soldiers especially like the vehicle’s exportable power capabilities being used to power command post operations. The vehicle has significant capacity to power electronic equipment organic to the Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT), including UAS and other systems associated with this IBCT.”

GM Defense NGTV-H testing during COMBINED RESOLVE 25-1 at Hohenfels [US Army: Capt Thomas McCarty]


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