Home > Exercise News > QUICK RESPONSE 2018 ~ Day Three – Kalinovik and Brcko

QUICK RESPONSE 2018 ~ Day Three – Kalinovik and Brcko

[EUFOR photo: Photographer unknown]

Day Three of QUICK RESPONSE 2018 saw the scenarios take place in Kalinovik and Brcko with the Turkish and Austrian Companies taking the lead.


EUFOR News Release: In Kalinovik the Turkish company had to deal with the evacuation of a EUFOR LOT [Liaison Observation Team] house with a number of ‘training injects’ that tested the Company Commander and his soldiers. This included the need for a helicopter medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) as well as a crowd control situation.


EUFOR doctor treats a ‘casualty’ [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

Brcko saw the Austrian soldiers secure a landing site for a VIP aircraft flight and then escorted the VIP road convoy through a fictitious ‘dangerous’ area to meet with key leaders in the local community including the Mayor.


Close cooperation with the Brcko Police was essential for this road move as they ‘blue lighted’ the convoy along the designated route. EUFOR LOT house Brcko was involved with the planning for the scenario and coordination with the Mayors office.


A good days training in both areas ensured Day Three of the exercise was a success, close cooperation and communication between all units was vital to ensure things ran as smoothly as possible.

Source: EUFOR/Lt Cdr Paul Clark

UPDATE: Day 3 Video Clip Link Added Below

Crowd Control team confront ‘protestors’ [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

Turkish soldiers cover the EUFOR LOT house evacuation [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

Loading the MEDEVAC helicopter [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

EUFOR Police escort the VIP [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

EUFOR convoy escorted by Brcko Police arrives in town [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

Austrian convoy securing the scene [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

COMEUFOR arrives at Mayor’s office [EUFOR photo: WO Ulrich Kallinger]

Day Three Highlights On Video







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